The Secret Of Marsellus Wallace's Briefcase

In the dark, neon-soaked underbelly of cinema, where crime and cool collide, "Pulp Fiction" reigns as a cult classic extraordinaire. Amid the chaos and charisma of this film, one mystery continues to linger: the contents of Marcellus Wallace's briefcase.
At its core, the briefcase serves as a classic MacGuffin – a plot device that propels the narrative forward while deliberately concealing its true nature.
The camera never reveals what’s inside, leaving viewers to wonder and speculate.
What makes this puzzle even more intriguing is Tarantino's homage to the 1955 film noir classic, "Kiss Me Deadly" in which, a cryptic box connected to "the gates of hell" glows upon being opened, a motif echoed in Tarantino's work.
One of the most popular theories is that the briefcase contains the soul of Marcellus Wallace. According to this theory, Marcellus, a powerful gangster, sold his soul to the Devil and seeks to reclaim it. The lock code, "666," associated with the Devil, supports this interpretation.
Furthermore, the bandage on the back of Marcellus's head correlates with a biblical concept suggesting that the Devil takes one's soul from the back of the head.
Jules' monologue about "divine intervention" after surviving a shootout also implies that the briefcase symbolically represents the possibility of Marcellus's redemption.
Another theory proposes that the briefcase contains the diamonds from ‘Reservoir Dogs.’ While this theory was revealed by co-writer Roger Avary, it was ultimately dismissed as "too boring and predictable."
Given the drug-related elements in the film, some speculate that the briefcase might hold drugs. Although drugs do not explain the glowing light, the phrase "sunshine in a bag," associated with drugs, is a nod to this interpretation.
Some even go so far as to suggest that the briefcase contains God. The theories are endless.
However, the “true” contents of the briefcase are far from extravagant; they are, in fact, quite ordinary.
During production, a light bulb was placed inside the briefcase to create the glow.
Interesting how a seemingly banal object has become the linchpin of the entire narrative.
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